Referenced earlier, you can learn more about Apple DEP via this article. Apple DEP devices are ready out-of-the-box, eliminating the need for USB/lightning connections and extra touches. When using MDM, Apple DEP substitutes for Apple Configurator.
Apple configurator 1.7.2 download software#
We’ve heard some reports that most virtual machine software handles USB emulation in a manner that causes issues when connecting and disconnection iOS devices, but we cannot confirm this. Bestellen Sie Ihre Handyhüllen & -zubehör in unserem.

Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay Kostenloser Versand verfügbar. eBay-Garantie Apple Configurator is a macOS application that allows administrators to create configurations and apply them to iOS devices. We’re pretty sure this breaks Apple macOS software licensing rules, so we cannot recommend this methodology. Before Apple Configurator, Apple offered iPhone Configuration Utility.

At best it’s missing many features and at worse it won’t work at all. The last software release was January of 2013.